William Ewart Hart was born on 20 April 1885 at Parramatta, NSW. He was a dentist who had an interest in flight and who contributed much to early aviation in Australia.
The Alpha is one of series of light aircraft produced by HB-Flugtechnik in Austria, the others designs including the Amigo, Cubby, the Dandy, and a two-seat mid-wing high-performance aircraft known as the Tornado which has a pusher engine driving a five-blade propeller and is fitted with a retractable undercarriage.
Developed by Martin Hollmann of Orlando, Florida, a senior design engineer in the aerospace industry, the HA-2M Sportster [also known as the Hollmann Sportster] was claimed to be the first two-seat gyroplane designed for the homebuilder who has access to a minimum of power tools.
The de Havilland DH-125 series was intended as a jet-engined replacement for the de Havilland DH-104 Dove executive aircraft, the project being announced in February 1961.