For many years Team Incorporated of Bradyville, Tennessee produced a range of ultralight aircraft for the sport aircraft market, these being produced in kit form for the amateur builder with limited finance.
In the 1890s George Augustine Taylor (1872 - 1928) became interested in aviation and, with the assistance later of Lawrence Hargrave, experimented with gliders.
The TechPro Merlin dates back to 2011 when the first prototype flew, the supply of kits commencing in 2015. Three variants are available, the Merlin 100UL with a tricycle undercarriage or a tailwheel, first flown in April 2012 and aimed at the Federation Aeronautique International microlight class.
The F-21B was a new production aircraft produced by a company called Taylorcraft in the USA and was a development of the Taylorcraft series of aircraft produced in the 1930’s and ‘40s.
In January 1993 the construction of two prototypes of the SM-92 Finist (a magical bird that was transformed into a Prince) commenced, the first (RA-44482) flying on 28 December 1991.
Prior to World War II Taylorcraft was known for producing two-seat in tandem basic trainers and to meet demand it developed what became known as the “Tandem Trainer”.