The Skylark is an ultra-light aircraft developed by Mr Ronald Lang of Officer, VIC in the early 1980s. Mr Lang also designed and developed an engine known as the Skylark for use in his and other ultra-light aircraft.
The Lea Kestrel was designed by Cecil Lea under the provisions of ANO 95.10 and was built in prototype form following the granting of a Technical Data Package.
Kolb Aircraft in the United States produced a number of ultra-light aircraft designs. These include the Firefly with a 31-kw (42-hp) Rotax 447 engine; Kolbra with a 48-kw (65-hp) Rotax 582 and a STOL variant with a 60-kw (80-hp) Jabiru 2200 engine.
For many years Holmer Kolb was involved in the design and construction of light aircraft of his own design and is considered one of the founders of the ultra-light movement in North America.
In 1920 Frits Koolhoven returned to The Netherlands from the United Kingdom and became designer for the Nationale Vliegtuigindustie formed in The Hague and commenced designing a series of light aircraft.
This aircraft was an 80-percent scale custom-built replica of a North American P-51K Mustang and was designed and built by Mr Terrence Kronke in Queensland, although the wingspan was built to 72% scale. It is described as a P-51 Scale Mustang and was registered to the builder on 1 December
This aircraft stemmed in 1998 from a series of light aircraft designed by Dan Denney. The Lite was an ultralight trainer aimed as the US Sports Pilot Program. It has been produced in kit form and is available in tricycle undercarriage configuration.
Daniel Denney of Denny Aerocraft over the years has developed a number of light aircraft for recreational use, most able to be fitted with a tailwheel, tricycle undercarriage, and may be fitted with skis or floats.
The Jurca MJ-8 and MJ-80 are amateur-built scale replicas of the World War II Focke Wulf Fw-190 fighter aircraft, the former being to 75% scale and the latter full scale.
The Alto is a two seat training and sport aircraft built in the Czech Republic and has become available in three main versions, the Alto TG with a tricycle undercarriage;
One of a new range of helicopters being produced for the light training market, the D2 is produced by Delta Development Co of Tonah in Queensland and is a diesel-engined powered light helicopter with a skid landing gear.
Designed and developed by Aero-Sport International Ltd of Auckland, the prototype of the Kahu two-seat light sporting gyrocopter (ZK-RCP – c/n K1) has been under development since 2001, flying for the first time on 27 July 2001 and received a temporary flight permit certificate allowing for full testing on 24
The Acro Sport was designed by the late Mr Paul Poberezny, President of the Experimental Aircraft Association of America, specifically for construction by persons with no experience in building aircraft.