The Atol series of light amphibians was designed bv Markku Koivurova in Finland and was initially produced by Marteno Ky, production later being taken over by Atol Avion Ltd.
The ARV Super 2 was a new design using state of the art technology to produce a light, cheap, economical training aircraft to meet the requirements of aero clubs, and was expected to compete on the world’s markets with the French designed Robin ATL.
The 321 Faeta was designed in the Czech Republic as an ultralight and light-sporting aircraft and is produced at the company’s facility at Libice Cidlinou.
The Albatross is one of the new breed of light efficient aircraft available on the market and it has been imported into Australia by Albatross Aviation in Queensland. It has a composite fuselage of fibreglass reinforced by wooden bulkheads and frames.